Sunday, March 22, 2020

Goals Paper free essay sample

My second long-term goal is an academic goal. My academic goal is to graduate from the University of Central Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. This academic goal of mine is very important to me because I want to be a teacher. I have always wanted to become a teacher since I was a young girl but I foolishly did not pursue my dream. I am now at a point in my life where I recognize that tomorrow is not promised. Therefore, I have decided to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher and will not allow myself to steer off that path. My third long-term goal is career orientated. This long-term career goal is to simply become an effective elementary teacher. By becoming an effective elementary teacher, I will be able to make a positive difference in the lives of my students. I know firsthand the importance of an effective teacher because I experienced what one was like. We will write a custom essay sample on Goals Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page That person was my fifth grade teacher and she made such a positive difference in my life at that time. I want to be able to do the same and so that is why becoming an effective elementary teacher is my long-term career goal. Now that I have identified my three long-term goals I will now discuss how I will accomplish these goals. In order for me to achieve my personal long-term goal of becoming a homeowner, I have set a short-term and an intermediate goal. My short-term goal which will help lead me to becoming a homeowner is finding a job, because I am currently unemployed. The only income I have at this time is from my husband’s full-time job. His income alone cannot qualify us for a mortgage loan. Therefore, I intend to consistently look for employment on a weekly basis. Although this short-term goal may seem to be an easy one, it is not. The reason it is not is due to the fact that there are a lot of people currently unemployed whom are looking for work themselves. This has a negative effect on me because it makes my chances of finding a job much harder. However, I am determined to find a job no matter how many applications it may take. I will make sure that I attach a resume and will make follow-up calls to each of the employers that I have submitted an employment application to. I will also keep a positive attitude on my pursuit for employment so that nothing sabotages my short-term goal. With that said, having a job is not the only thing that is necessary for me to achieve my long-term personal goal. I will also need to have some money saved to put down towards the purchase price of a home. Therefore, I have set an intermediate goal to have saved at least two percent of $195,000 dollars within the next two and a half years by putting $130 dollars per month into a savings account. I am confident that I can achieve my personal long-term goal as long as I adhere to the short-term and intermediate goals that I have indicated above. As for my long-term academic goal to achieve a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, I have set a short-term and an intermediate goal that will assist me in obtaining it. My short-term goal consists of two parts. The first part is to take a minimum of four courses, per semester, that are required for the type of degree I am seeking. The second part is to maintain a grade point average of 3. 0 or higher. In order for me to meet these short-term goals I will make sure that I follow the education catalog which outlines all the courses I need to complete and I will make sure that I consistently keep up with all assignments. I will also keep myself organized and maintain a positive attitude in every course that I take. My intermediate goal is to earn my associates degree at Valencia by the year 2012. I know that I can accomplish this intermediate goal as long as I adhere to my short-term goal stated above. Now this may sound like an easy thing to do but in reality there are always challenges that can arise and put a damper on things. One of the challenges that I face in meeting my short-term goal is procrastination. I tend to procrastinate when it comes to studying and completing assignments that I find to be challenging. This course has already taught me the importance to stop procrastinating and to study. I plan to utilize the information from our course to stop the cycle of procrastination and to study in an effective manner. I also intend to consistently reaffirm my long-term academic goal so that it will motivate me to keep in line with my short-term and intermediate goals. Lastly for my long-term career goal, which is to be an effective elementary teacher, I have set a short-term and an intermediate goal. My short-term goal is to get hired as an elementary teacher shortly after obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. In order for that to happen, I will submit employment applications at several elementary schools for a teacher position. I will also make sure that I provide a resume along with my portfolio to all of the schools that I have submitted an employment application to. My intermediate goal that I have set which will assist me in becoming an effective elementary teacher consists of developing professionally on a personal level and on a career level. Once I am employed as an elementary teacher, I plan to attend workshops that will improve my skills as a teacher so that I can apply such skills in the classroom. In time I know that I can be an effective elementary teacher because I have a passion to teach and love being around children. In summary, I have a long-term personal goal to own a home, a long-term academic goal to earn a bachelor’s degree, and a long-term career goal to become an effective elementary teacher. All three of my long-term goals are very important to me and in essence builds and/or relies on the other. In order for me to accomplish my three long-term goals, I have set S-M-A-R-T short-term and intermediate goals for each. I also believe that I will be able to achieve all three long-term goals because of Valencia. One of the reasons why Valencia will assist me in reaching my goals is simply due to the fact that this community college is very affordable. Also, this community college has many wonderful professors that are dedicated in guiding students successfully on their career paths. Valencia Community College also has many resources available to me that will assist me in obtaining my associate’s degree and will prepare me with the skills needed to be a successful student at UCF.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Women Are Less Engaged in Criminal Activity Than Men

Women Are Less Engaged in Criminal Activity Than Men On Crime: Women Take the High Road Historically Women Are Less Engaged in Crimes Who knows why people commit crimes – maybe because they think they can get away with it. Maybe they’re just desperate, hard up for money, or doing it for the sheer thrill of taking the risk. In any case, people commit crimes every day: an ex-con robbing a convenience store, a businessman giving a client a much-needed, doctor-prescribed painkiller. It’s so easy to commit a crime that they go unnoticed and often without consequence. And if you look at human nature, you see how most of the ruthless criminals of ancient history have mostly always been men. Sure there’s been some women, but women are just less engaged in criminal activity than men. It comes down to anatomy and psychology, parental instincts and statistics. Male and Female Brains Let’s look at brain development for more insight into this argument, that women are less engaged in criminal activity than men. It has been documented that female’s brains develop about an average two years earlier than male brains, so that means a male’s brain develops much later than the female’s brain. It is also common knowledge that the male brain is not fully developed until the age of 25, especially the prefrontal cortex of the brain responsible for impulse control and decision-making. Why is this important? Because it shows how men – especially young men – are more likely to make bad life decisions, ones that most certainly lead to, or involve crime, even if only petty crimes. This is certainly an indication of how women are less engaged in criminal activity than men. With this said, women are also more likely to experience, and pursue, their parental instincts when compared to men – especially young men, 18 to 25, the age when too many young men are arrested for committing various crimes – underage drinking, drinking, and driving, drug possession, assault and battery, etc.; though some of the men being convicted are of course innocent, a majority of them were involved in a crime or crimes. Females – well, teenage girls – reach puberty before males (adolescent boys) do, and females mature much faster than men. While young women are looking for life partners, creating a future, a family, and a life, men their age certainly are not. Young men in their late teens, early 20s, are drinking and driving, doing drugs, taking risks – and frequently break the law. They are not thinking of these things – life partners, their future. Some are, of course, but until they are in their mid-20s, the brains of males are not fully developed like females, which illustrates how males may be more likely to engage in criminal activity than females. Speaking Statistics All you have to do to see that women are less engaged in criminal activity than men is look at the numbers of inmates in the American prison system. A graph on shows the American prison population by gender, â€Å"United States Incarceration Rates By Sex, 2010.† The graph shows the number of people incarcerated per 100,000 people of that sex; it shows 126 females to 1,352 males. If more men are serving time in a penitentiary than women, clearly this is an indication of how more men are engaging in criminal activity than women. In conclusion, women do less crime than men. Consider the evidence – it comes down to anatomy, biology, and psychology; then there’s instincts, sexual vs. parental; and top of that, there are the numbers: there are many more men in prison than women; so men are more likely to engage in criminal activity. Or consider this notion – what if women are just better at hiding their criminal activity than men? It’s a very objective question to consider, and it is always important to consider the alternate school of thought, the other side of things. After all, things aren’t so black and white, more of a gray color, when mixed together. Nonetheless, the evidence illustrates that men are more engaged than women, in criminal activity. This is a problem our society must face with objectivity and compassion. Why is this so? It doesn’t have to be this way, however. There is always a better way to reach and teach young males and get them to steer away from drugs, alcohol abuse – crimes, essentially. There is a problem if the men of your community are in jail and not at home or at work providing for their families.